Applicable Environment
- Topic: USB Insertion/Removal Notifications
- SDP: 6.4.0, 6.5.0, 6.6.0, 7.0.0, 7.1.0
- Target: Any supported target
Compile with
qcc -w9 -otst tst.c -lusbdi
#ifdef __USAGE
%C - listen for USB insertion / removal events
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <err.h>
#include <sys/usbdi.h>
Use the usbd_connect() function to connect to a USB device and to
provide insertion/removal callbacks (in the usbd_connect_parm_t
data structure).
static void InsertCb( struct usbd_connection *conn, usbd_device_instance_t *inst ) {
printf( "--- Insertion ---\n" );
printf( " Path: %02x\n", inst->path );
printf( " Devno: %02x\n", inst->devno );
printf( " Generation: %04x\n", inst->generation );
printf( " Vendor: %08x\n", inst->ident.vendor );
printf( " Device: %08x\n", inst->ident.device );
printf( " Class: %08x\n", inst->ident.dclass );
printf( " Subclass: %08x\n", inst->ident.subclass );
printf( " Protocol: %08x\n", inst->ident.protocol );
printf( " Config: %08x\n", inst->config );
printf( " Iface: %08x\n", inst->iface );
printf( " Alternate: %08x\n\n", inst->alternate );
static void RemoveCb( struct usbd_connection *conn, usbd_device_instance_t *inst ) {
printf( "--- Removal ---\n" );
printf( " Path: %02x\n", inst->path );
printf( " Devno: %02x\n", inst->devno );
printf( " Generation: %04x\n", inst->generation );
printf( " Vendor: %08x\n", inst->ident.vendor );
printf( " Device: %08x\n", inst->ident.device );
printf( " Class: %08x\n", inst->ident.dclass );
printf( " Subclass: %08x\n", inst->ident.subclass );
printf( " Protocol: %08x\n", inst->ident.protocol );
printf( " Config: %08x\n", inst->config );
printf( " Iface: %08x\n", inst->iface );
printf( " Alternate: %08x\n\n", inst->alternate );
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {
struct usbd_connection *conn;
usbd_device_ident_t idents;
usbd_connect_parm_t parms;
usbd_funcs_t funcs;
idents.vendor = USBD_CONNECT_WILDCARD;
idents.device = USBD_CONNECT_WILDCARD;
idents.dclass = USBD_CONNECT_WILDCARD;
idents.subclass = USBD_CONNECT_WILDCARD;
idents.protocol = USBD_CONNECT_WILDCARD;
funcs.nentries = _USBDI_NFUNCS;
funcs.insertion = InsertCb;
funcs.removal = RemoveCb;
funcs.event = NULL;
parms.path = NULL;
parms.vusb = USB_VERSION;
parms.vusbd = USBD_VERSION;
parms.flags = 0;
parms.argc = argc;
parms.argv = argv;
parms.evtbufsz = 0;
parms.ident = &idents;
parms.funcs = &funcs;
parms.connect_wait = USBD_CONNECT_WAIT;
if ( EOK != ( errno = usbd_connect( &parms, &conn ) ) )
err( EXIT_FAILURE, "usbd_connect()" );
for ( ; ; )
sleep( 60 );
This entry has been validated against the SDP version listed above. Use
caution when considering this advice for any other SDP version. For
supported releases, please reach out to QNX Technical Support if you have any questions/concerns. ________________________________________________________________________