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 (26 Items)
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Web Browsers Web browsing and HTML rendering technologies for the QNX platform. Adam Mallory, Alain Magloire, Max Feil, Mike Koch, Misha Nefedov, Victor Marques 56 01/06/2009
Valgrind Valgrind Adam Mallory, Michael Garwood 8 09/23/2014
Qt This QNX hosted Foundry27 project provides Qt related downloadable packages to allow developers to create Qt applications for the QNX Neutrino OS. Chris Travis, Grant Courville, James McDonnell, Jason Mawdsley, Sheridan Ethier 81 10/22/2010
QNX Community VMware® Project This project is a place to adopt, adapt or create software for using QNX in the VMware environment. 11 09/17/2007
QNX Foundation Classes The QNX Foundation Classes is a library of C++ classes designed to facilitate development using the paradigms unique to QNX (e.g. resource managers/IPC/etc.) 0 09/17/2007
QNX Community pkgsrc Project The packages collection 26 09/13/2007
Multimedia The Multimedia project is dedicated to the development of "Middleware" supporting audio and video oriented technologies. Adrian Nita, Jim Gilderson, Nicola Vulpe, Thomas Franzky 83 05/22/2008
Reference Designs TBD Ben Vandenbelt, Mike Shane, Sheridan Ethier 27 03/25/2010
QNX Community SDL Project Simple Direct Media Layer QNX 6.4.x port Mike Gorchak 2 03/04/2009
Wind River® VxWorks® Migration Resources to help migration to QNX Neutrino of Wind River® VxWorks® systems Leo Forget, Mike Lemke 7 10/02/2009
QNX Chinese Community QNX 中文论坛 Edward Lee, Jin Xu 52 11/05/2010
QNX RTOS v4 [EOL] QNX RTOS v4 has been declared End of Life (EOL) as of March 1, 2022. For more information see https://lifecycle.qnx.com. Project for the provision of the latest QNX RTOS v4 network, disk, graphics, audio, USB and other device drivers. andrew senkov, Eric Johnson, Leo Forget, Martin Walter, Mike Lemke, Serge Zyl, Vladimir Makhilev 52 03/16/2009
IDE QNX Momentics IDE development project. Elena Laskavaia 14 08/01/2007
QNX Japanese Community QNX Japanese community - in Japanese QNX 日本語コミュニティー Koichi Okazawa, Koichi Okazawa (2) 12 01/29/2008
Filesystems QNX File Systems Brandon Thomas, David Sarrazin, Keith Garvin, Steve Bergwerff 38 12/17/2007
publictest publictest 0 07/19/2009
Networking Project dedicated to the transparent development of the QNX Neutrino Core Networking source code Chris Eltervoog, Dave Brown, Nick Reilly, QNX Builder, Steve Bergwerff 216 08/08/2007
BSPs and Drivers Project dedicated to the development of Board Support Packages and drivers for the QNX platform Andy Lalonde, Christopher Adams, David Green, Grant Courville, Joe Bonner, Leo Forget, Mark Wakim, Martin Walter, Michael Kisel, Paul Streatch, Thomas Franzky 580 07/05/2007
QNX Community QEMU™ Project Port of open source processor emulator QEMU to QNX. Alex Fox 3 09/18/2007
Core Development Tools Home of the QNX platform Core Development Tools' transparent development. Bob Powell, Jeff Baker, Michael Garwood 61 07/20/2007
Graphics Graphics Core Project Derek Leach, Gaétan Noël, Jason Mawdsley, Michael Van Reenen, Misha Nefedov 90 02/23/2009
Community General community information and administration Mike Lemke, Yi Zheng 25 07/05/2007
QNX Community FUSE Project FUSE for QNX 2 03/09/2009
QNX Operating System Development of the fundamental components of the QNX® Neutrino® Realtime Operating System. Aka QNX6 Casually called "procnto". Chris Eltervoog, Juan Gonzalez, Steve Bergwerff 269 07/05/2007
dtrace A QNX port of the Solaris dtrace tool. 9 01/11/2008
Bazaar A marketplace for software exchange. Adam Mallory, Grant Courville, Grant Courville (2), Tina Jeffrey 13 07/05/2007