 October 2010 13 pages |
Top Productivity Tips for Using Eclipse for Embedded C/C++ Development
This paper presents a selection of 27 Eclipse IDE tips and tricks gathered from the QNX® development community, the QNX Community Portal for open development, Eclipse.org forums, and public web sites and blogs that offer Eclipse-related expertise. We identified these tips as most interesting and useful to developers, and we present them here with the hope that they will help make you more productive when you use an Eclipse IDE.
About Eclipse —
Show Key Assist —
Key Binding —
Nice-to-know Keyboard Shortcuts ...
Code Folding —
Favorite Plug-ins —
Getting the Eclipse IDE
About Eclipse
Eclipse is an open source Interactive Development Environment (IDE). It was first released under the Common Public License, and is now licensed ...
Show Key Assist
The Eclipse IDE key assist feature opens a pop-up window with all the valid shortcut keys for the current context ...
Key Binding
If you find that you use the same key sequences frequently, you can open the Key Binding configuration window ...
Nice-to-know Keyboard Shortcuts
The Eclipse IDE has many shortcuts, including those listed below ...
Code Folding
Code folding supported by the Eclipse IDE folds functions, structures and other entities into a single line to make it easier to read through code ...
Favorite Plug-ins
A particularity of Eclipse IDEs is that the basic product only contains a small set of core functionality; a large proportion of functionality ...
Getting the Eclipse IDE
If you do not already have the Eclipse IDE and want to try it, you can download an evaluation copy of the Eclipse Momentics Tool Suite, which offers a full embedded ...
Garry Bleasdale
Garry Bleasdale
Garry Bleasdale is a field application engineer for QNX Software Systems, where he helps embedded developers design systems for the networking, defense, medical, and industrial control industries. Prior to joining QNX, Garry worked as a project leader at Thales Training & Simulation, specifying, designing, and commissioning major hardware and software subsystems for military flight simulators.
Garry's areas of expertise include architecting real-time systems, aircraft system/avionics simulation, and design of GUI-based systems. He holds an Honour’s Degree in Electrical & Electronic Engineering from Brighton University.
Andy Gryc
Andy Gryc
Andy Gryc [Grits] has been a software developer and designer for over 20 years, and is currently a senior product marketing manager at QNX.
Prior to joining QNX Software Systems, he worked as the lead embedded software architect for GM OnStar; designed and implemented a speech recognition engine for a speech technology company; and served as a member of the Hewlett-Packard team that created the software for palmtops and the BIOS for the Omnibook notebooks.
As well a contributing regularly to the QNX whitepaper and webinar programs, Andy writes a blog, True Gryc, "about the automotive market, the embedded industry, being an honorary Canadian, and any other stray neuron that happens to fire". He holds a Bachelors degree in Computer Science from the University of Michigan, and, as his blog blurb states, has recently moved to QNX headquarters in Canada.
See Also... In-Field Debugging: Diagnosing Software Problems While Maintaining System Availability
Memory Errors in Embedded Systems
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