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Unlink the root item


void PtTreeRemoveList( PtWidget_t *tree, 
                       PtTreeItem_t *first );


This function unlinks the item first and its brothers (together with their children) from their parent (and previous brother) and sets their parent fields to NULL:

Example of PtTreeRemoveList()

The results of using PtTreeRemoveList().

The tree argument must point to the PtTree widget that contains the items, or be NULL if the items don't belong to any tree.

Note that if tree==NULL and first has no parent but has a previous brother, then the function won't be able to find the previous brother and won't be able unlink first from its previous brother.



Interrupt handler No
Signal handler No
Thread No

See also:

PtTree, PtTreeAddAfter(), PtTreeAddFirst(), PtTreeAllocItem(), PtTreeFreeAllItems(), PtTreeFreeItems(), PtTreeItem_t, PtTreeModifyItem(), PtTreeRemoveChildren(), PtTreeRemoveItem()

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